The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21368   Message #1971434
Posted By: The Sandman
18-Feb-07 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: Mississippi John Hurt
Subject: RE: Mississippi John Hurt
now this will surprise iseem to be known as a concertina player.
Iam a great fan of mjh,Ifirst learned Spike drivers blues,When I was 15 on guitar,and along with [got the blues cant be satisfied] still play it today.I now use mjh guitar style on english trad [have a listen to my version of Rounding the Horn in A ].
The use of the pinky for c9 g6 [and G with flattened third in spike drivers blues].,is interesting,apart from the latter,its the pentatonic major idea.
I am not as good as MJH at it,but I bet hed be bowled over to hear english trad,such as burlington fair,adieu sweet nancy, John Blunt,whip jamboree,Bonny Ship Diamond [melody picked].
ps rounding the horn can be heard as aclip ,on the lancaster maritime festival thread at radio liverpool.