The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99110   Message #1971446
Posted By: Fidjit
18-Feb-07 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Subject: RE: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
WOW! Villan on the 20th of April see we get John Conolly as support artist just, and all for £3 !! Is anyone making any money? Just how much do you pay your plumber? Or Tesco's?

Perhaps not the same John Conolly??

No ones getting rich in this game. Just making ends meet.
Enough for expences, roof over the head, etc. And hopefully enjoying themselves. Spoke to Bob Fox about the same when he came over for our festival. Just making a living. He said.

Fixing fees is always debaitable. Have to come to an ageement. Then stick to it. Depends on the venue. Can they afford it?. Do you want to sing to drunks. Are they going to understand what your doing/sence of humour? Go elswhere or sell yourself short. Usually I go elswhere. Some places are just not for me. As Dick Miles said, better just a couple now and again. Retain your integrity.

As an artist, keeping an audience interested for, say, two 45 minute sets and more, takes a lot of B S & T. My hat is off to those that manage it. Usually though, they are lucky to be preaching to the already comfirmed. (Folkies attract folkies) In the wrong enviroment some would "Die on their arse."

I left England for Scandinavia in '68 with my bag of songs. When I came back for a visit mid 70's I talked money at one Student club in London. Place was packed 200'ish. When I said I could get £10 in Scandinavia I was told to go back there as they could only afford £5.
Seems it hasn't changed all that much. Only the noughts on the end with inflation. The time warp lives on.

There are loads of us busy bees buzzing around the hive. How many get to see the Queen? Have to make do with the Countess.

As for newcomers. (Floor singers)
Would be nice to see the old music hall style of club where you could throw rotten vegetables at the act you didn't like.
