The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98389   Message #1971496
Posted By: JohnInKansas
18-Feb-07 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Grumble.. Windows Internet Explorer 7
Subject: RE: Tech: Grumble.. Windows Internet Explorer 7
And Foolestroupe used to have to walk to school, barefoot in the snow, over broken glass and cockleburs, dragging the stubborn mule his li'l sister got to ride, up hill both ways, against the wind and the sleet; and had to hurry to get home and milk the goats before it got too dark to do his homework with a piece of charcoal on the back of a shovel in front of the flickering fire ...

Ah yes, those were the good old days and I remember it all just like he does.

I tell my kids about it frequently too.

I think the method is understood, and it makes excellent sense if it's what works for you.
