The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99110   Message #1971568
Posted By: GUEST,Black Hawk
18-Feb-07 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Subject: RE: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Countess Richard- Whew talk about ego!

Shop steward ? (can't stand 'em)
Think he/she didn't know these 'oop north types'? (wouldn't have mentioned names if I thought you didn't know them)
Played with ONCE in a session?
Sexist? How?

More assumptions than should be accommodated in one rant. None near the mark.

He/she may think he 'swatted 'em down' , wonder what they think.

You show your true colours when you say 'the audience is not your concern'. In this thread, the audience are involved as the organiser should know his club attendees and what they will pay / afford. If the club can't afford the 'big name', don't book them. Something to think on – maybe artistes (pro or not) should think about showing respect for the audience. Most do, but the person who thinks people should attend just because it is them appearing need to rethink. The very term 'punters' is quite often used in an insulting way when discussed between pro's. ie 'the punters won't notice'.

Most of my friends are professional musicians who perform internationally and do very nicely financially.
You do not know me so do not accuse me of being tight-fisted and only going to a pub to slag others off. The only posts I ever see from you are when you are slagging some-one off – mebbe you are too tight to go to a pub (or have no friends to sit with).

Your ego shows when you claim my interest is a 'minor hobby' but yours is a passion!

Patronising – you invented it!!!