The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98924   Message #1972851
Posted By: GUEST
19-Feb-07 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof that Bush lied
Subject: RE: BS: Proof that Bush lied
>>So you claim that other countries have rights that the US does not?<<

I don't care if they have the right or not. I just want the U.S. out of everybody else's business. It isn't helping them and it isn't helping us so enough already. If another nation is insane enough to want to be the world's policemen, have at it.

>>Recalling your ""If they cannot survive on their own, they don't deerve to. Survival of the fittest. ", your comment regarding the US is both hypocritical and evidence of a bigoted mind.<<

Doesn't matter whether it is or not. The bottom line is, I am now an isolationist thanks to George Bush. We just can't continue meddling in other country's affairs because we're no longer welcome and no longer trusted to do what's right. As a result, I want us out of all global conflicts while we lick our wounds and figure out where we went wrong (besides electing Mr. Cocksucker to the Oval Orifice). The rest can battle it out between them and winner take all.