The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99110   Message #1973673
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
20-Feb-07 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Subject: RE: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Someone I know used to evaluate community arts applications for ACE funding. He designed forms which were simple to understand and gave as much help as possible (short of actually completing them for the applicants) on how to compile a budget and list priority aims, objectives and indicators. Guess which ones failed miserably every time to meet criteria and displayed not a scrap of understanding of how to cost, or recognition of who the project was aimed at, why it merited funding from the public purse, how it would benefit the community or how it might eventually become self-financing? Yeah, right, the local f*lkie luninaries.