The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99176   Message #1973717
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
20-Feb-07 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: UK folk scene - what future for clubs?
Subject: RE: UK folk scene - what future for clubs?
I only think it may happen because I did it, Jeremy. Not at all scientific I'm afraid but if it has happened once I am sure it can happen again.

As to changing tastes being a questionable state. How so? Surely you do not like the exact same things that you liked 20 years ago do you? If people did not change their musical leanings as they developed how did the musical age gap develop? I think that gap is less today than it has ever been, probably because people in their between 50 and 70 saw the explosion of popular music of all kinds from the late 1950s onwards and are now far more tolerant than their forebears. As well as that I realy do believe that a lot of todays popular music is very good indeed. A lot of which will be excellent 'fodder' for the clubs of both today and tomorrow.

I think the answer in helping keep clubs alive is far more to do with the number of people that clubs attract than the age of the audience. I firmly believe the 'club scene' (whatever that may be!) is in the doldrums at present but that does not mean that their will not be another revival. And another. And another...

