The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99201   Message #1974586
Posted By: Teribus
21-Feb-07 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Message to Bush the ignoramus
Subject: RE: BS: Message to Bush the ignoramus
Thank you Foolstroupe - "After the UN authorised it to."

All foreign troops serving in Afghanistan are there at the specific invitation of the Afghan Government and with the full backing of the UN.

I therefore have some good news for dianavan with regard to remarks made in her opening post:

"I think its sickening that the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and then expected Canada to mop up without so much as a 'much obliged'. I hope Canada pulls its troops and tells the U.S. to find someone else to fight its wars."

Feel sickened no more Dianavan - The US did not invade Afghanistan.

Canadian troops are serving in Afghanistan at the behest of the UN/NATO/Afghan Government - Not at the behest of the USA.

Contingent size dianavan down in the south and east of the country, where most of NATO partners dare not venture, you have the following foreign troops (excluding Pakistani Pashtuns) fighting in order of contingent size (top three):
- US Forces
- UK Forces
- Canadian Forces

The latter make up 2,500 troops out of a grand total of 33,000. Pull them out if you wish, they have every reason to be agrieved, but their sense of grievence should not be directed at the US but at their fellow NATO members who clearly are just not pulling their weight, this is after a NATO mission, being undertaken at the request of the UN.