The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68129   Message #1974978
Posted By: Scrump
21-Feb-07 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: A national anthem for England
Subject: RE: A national anthem for England
Hi Charmain. The words can be found on the web (see below - these are from one site I found). Bear in mind that it was a patriotic song written in wartime, so it may be that all the lyrics wouldn't be as appropriate today. But I don't see why they couldn't be tweaked. I would think the original authors wouldn't mind too much if they knew their song would be the new national anthem.

Also, some of the lyrics refer to Britain. Until relatively recently, people would often say 'England' when they meant 'Britain'. Thanks to the Scots and Welsh nationalists, this is no longer the case (I'm saying this is a positive thing, btw, Scots and Welsh readers!).

I guess we would want to replace 'Britain' by 'England' in the song if it were to be the English national anthem. It also refers to 'red white and blue' which of course are the British colours rather than England's.

Having said the above, I don't think the lyrics are particularly controversial or politically incorrect (but I fully expect somebody will find them so).

Here are the lyrics:

I give you a toast, ladies and gentlemen.
I give you a toast, ladies and gentlemen.
May this fair dear land we love so well
In dignity and freedom dwell.
Though worlds may change and go awry
While there is still one voice to cry - - -

There'll always be an England
While there's a country lane,
Wherever there's a cottage small
Beside a field of grain.
There'll always be an England
While there's a busy street,
Wherever there's a turning wheel,
A million marching feet.

Red, white and blue; what does it mean to you?
Surely you're proud, shout it aloud,
"Britons, awake!"
The Empire too, we can depend on you.
Freedom remains. These are the chains
Nothing can break.
There'll always be an England,
And England shall be free
If England means as much to you
As England means to me.

I found an mp3 by Jill Daniels here which should give you an idea of the tune. There's also a MIDI version there.

If anyone comes up with some alternative lyrics to replace the slightly inappropriate ones above, I'd be interested to see them.