The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33221   Message #1975176
Posted By: Jim Lad
21-Feb-07 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: Help: Recommend Indie CD Distributor?
Subject: RE: Help: Recommend Indie CD Distributor?
Ah Meself! Making it through the wintry weather I hope. Yes, you're missing a couple of things but at the end of the day "he can simply cancel his arrangement with CDbaby, without penalty" as you so aptly put it. One example would be the bar code they offer. It's an excellent deal but actually belongs to them in a roundabout way.
If you were to use that bar code on your album and then place it in a store, they can trace that and would be entitled to a small percentage. Same goes for their "card swiper". They take a percentage of the sale. Still a fair deal though.