The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33221   Message #1975212
Posted By: JedMarum
21-Feb-07 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Help: Recommend Indie CD Distributor?
Subject: RE: Help: Recommend Indie CD Distributor?
I love CDBaby. They've been really great to deal with - very customer service oriented. They offer excellent services to artists at a very reasonable price. They are good folks to deal with, if you have questions or problems ... they've thought their service offerings through, FROM THE ARTIST perspective.

I buy most of my UPC codes through them (very low cost) and I process my CC transactions through them (again very low cost). I can take my UPC code wherever I go - no strings attached ... and I can actually sell what I like through the CC service. I do buy some UPC codes through my manufacturer, though.

I have NOT priced much for dealers at CD Baby, because I'd rather do wholesale directly, and the little bit I'd get through CDBaby is not worth the effort. They do sell some through their retailers (Walmart, Tower Records, others) but very little. That may be quite different for other artists, though.

The biggest surprise for me has been MP3 sales. They've been good and they are growing through no effort on my part. I wish I knew how to make it happen, I'd work even harder at it - but I'm happy where I am, for now. This may be a place where I compete with myself - I have a few sites where I allow free downloading of my MP3s. I am not sure if this helps (by advertizing) or hurts by encouraging people to get for free what I sell elsewhere.

My relations wth CDBaby started out good - and has just gotten better over the few years I've been with them. I've dropped Amazon.