The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99110   Message #1975408
Posted By: Rasener
21-Feb-07 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Subject: RE: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
>>How about everyone stop being so defensive and get together to figure out how we can all benefit?<<

I agree there Dave, but when you see some of the crap posted about organisers by certain people, thats the time to stand up and be counted.

It really is this simple.

I book a performer because I want them at my club. I don't book a performer because they want a gig a my club.

I look at what is on offer on the market and then decide if the performer suits the style of the club, and hopefully will enhance the prestige of the club. Will my audience want to see them. Do they even know who the performer is. At the end of the day, that is my judgement, but not before I have done a lot of homework on each performer. That means finding out off other people what they think of them, looking at their websites and reviews on them. Listening to their music.

One thing I never do is take their word for it. if necessary and if possible, I try to get to see them live.

Once I am happy that a performer is who i want, I then get in touch with them and chat about the club and its style and ask if it is possible for them to perform at the club and how much they would charge. If it is too much, i explain that and the reasons. Negotiation takes place and if at the end of the day, we are both happy, we do the booking. If it isn't possible, then no problem, shame, but time to move on and find somebody else.

Once booked, I try to do everything in my power to get as many people on seats and try to do everything possible to ensure the performer gets the best experience possible when visiting the club.

Once that is done, i don't think it has anything to do with anybody else.

I have to say that i can only praise all performers that have appeared at Faldingworth Live.

I also evaluate the night from audience and performer point of view and wherever possible try to make changes. Not always possible.

I just wish some of you would stop telling us organisers what to do, its got nowt to do with you, and whats more it doesn't help the professional whatsoever. It only inflames the situation.