The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99034   Message #1975890
Posted By: Scrump
22-Feb-07 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: Why does 'folk' attract so many teachers
Subject: RE: Why does 'folk' attract so many teachers
I have not said ALL folkies are teachers nor ALL teachers are folkies. Just 'in my experience' that teaching is predominant above other jobs/trades/professions.

Teacher's Pet: I didn't claim that you did say that. I simply quoted your own words

My point is (in the UK) most 'folkies' are involved in teaching

and asked: "Is there any evidence for this statement? I know more folkies who are not involved in teaching, than those that are. Perhaps my experience doesn't reflect the national picture, though?"

Thanks you for your response, but please don't attribute things to me that I never said.

It seems you are basing this conclusion on your own experience and that of others you quote above - I am simply saying that my experience is different. That's not saying you are wrong, just that it doesn't reflect my experience.