The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99291   Message #1976540
Posted By: Peace
22-Feb-07 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Thread of 1000 Dances
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Thread of 1000 Dances
"The hora is frequently danced at Jewish weddings and bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs.


STEP 1: Stand in a circle holding the hands of the people on either side of you.
STEP 2: When the music starts, follow the circle as it rotates.
STEP 3: Step to the side, passing your left foot behind your right. STEP 4: Move the right foot beside the left foot.
STEP 5: Step to the side again, passing your left foot in front of your right this time.
STEP 6: Continue as the circle keeps spinning, adding a little hop to your steps as you go faster.
STEP 7: Move toward the center of the circle and throw your hands, still holding those of the people beside you, in the air.
STEP 8: Lower your hands and move backward.
STEP 9: Repeat several times.
STEP 10: Resume spinning around the circle."

From here.