The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99292   Message #1976603
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
22-Feb-07 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: How NOT To Request A Gig
Subject: How NOT To Request A Gig
As many of you already know, I book the performers for the Borderline Folk Music house concerts in Rockland County, NY. Yesterday morning I open my computer only to discover that my e-mail "In Box" is completely filled to capacity. Some wanabee performer who I never heard of before, sent me a bunch of very large unsolicited WAV & MP3 files that completely maxed me out. To complicate matters I do not have cable but rather the slowest and cheapest dial up internet connection. It would have taken me 4 hours to download everything that he sent and tied up my computer for most of the work day. This was a real "chutzpah" to say the least. I promptly deleted all the files and e-mailed this joker that this was not the best way to make friends and that he better send me a complete CD by snail mail if he wanted his material to get a fair hearing.

                                                 SOL ZELLER