The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99293   Message #1976608
Posted By: Rapparee
22-Feb-07 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: Musical Accidents
Subject: Musical Accidents
No, not the musical kind, but the sort that you suffer when setting stuff up or playing.

The night before last I was adjusting my X-shaped keyboard stand. I had the keyboard off and I wanted to lower it. So I pulled out the locking pin.

It lowered, all right. It lowered so much that it caught the end joint of my left middle finger between the metal parts. Hurt like, well, it really, really hurt. I called upstairs and my wife brought a cold pack; there is now no swelling or pain. But boy oh boy, did it hurt when it happened!

So what's happened to you when you were working with musical instruments, stands, and stuff?