The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19434 Message #197665
Posted By: GUEST,Auxiris
19-Mar-00 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: 2 verses of 'Hard Times'
Subject: 2 verses of 'Hard Times'
Hello, everyone. . . here is yet another attempt to add something to the impressive store of knowledge represented by the DT. Two more verses to Stephen Foster's "Hard Times Come Again No More" (source: John Molineux):
Oh, the cotton buds are withered and the corn stalks buried deep In the ground still waiting for the rain And the children are so hungry they cry themselves to sleep Not knowing if they'll wake again
And you don't hear the banjo ring out a merry tune In the cabin at the close of the day And no more we'll gather at night beneath the moon To sing all our cares away