The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3684   Message #19767
Posted By: Alice
23-Jan-98 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: what if...?
Subject: RE: what if...?
Joe, they are all thankful that you are up there to lead them. I feel lucky that my 10 year old is into the Beatles. He plays Here Comes The Sun, Yesterday, Norwegian Wood, and She's Got A Ticket To Ride, over and over on the keyboard. I've got an audition tomorrow for a part in the chorus of La Traviata. Wish me luck. Believe me, I've never made any money doing music, and from what I can see of the classical scene, they are just as unappreciated on the monetary level as our favorite traditional music performers.... now what was that about being able to moan and squeak and whisper out some adolescent angst to achieve pop stardom? Naah. We couldn't sleep at night if we sold out that way. Besides, we're too old and wrinkled to pull it off. a, mt