The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99297   Message #1976747
Posted By: Peter Kasin
23-Feb-07 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Six feet Under mudcat fans
Subject: BS: Six feet Under mudcat fans
I just saw the last episode of Six Feet Under, having plowed through all five seasons on DVD. That was one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. Great writing, casting, directing, acting, editing, etc. As all shows do, it had a few duds (eyes of the beholder, though), but overall it was just a very moving show, and often subtley and darkly hilarious. The opening death scenes ranged from very poignant (the infant in the crib) to very funny (the woman who thought she was witnessing the rapture, when it was a really a trucklod of blow-up sex dolls come loose). This is a series I'll never forget, and the final episode, particularly the last 10 minutes, is a masterpiece.

Thanks to HBO for taking the risk with a show about a family-run funeral home. How many networks would have? My thanks to Radriano for introducing me to the show via Netflix.

Any other mudcat fans of it here?
