The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19398   Message #197781
Posted By: InOBU
19-Mar-00 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: Folk Music and Politics
Subject: RE: Folk Music and Politics
My dear Fellow Traveller AllanS
(and you know acording to your FBI file, you are a fellow traveller for hanging around Mudcat, a well known communist front group, the proof of which is we all listen to that Red Folk music!) Stop fighting it, come out of the closit, old man, You are a red, you listen to the peoples music, not the music of the class that owns you! You will be much more happy when you realize that you are not one of the class the torries catter too, and I know your not, why? BECAUSE you are listing to this working class garbadge we all love so much! :-) Just pulling your leg, of course, but I will give you my old and know late, fathers line, in answer to Winne, after going down in the mines at thirteen, being a sharecropper, a Shakespearian Actor, best selling novelist in the 50s, Theartre owner, playwrite, Producer and generally successfull worker. Said me ol dad, If you arent a socialist by 20, youve no soul, and if you give up your ideals by thirty, you didnt understand socialism to begin with. You have to be a worker to understand why Churchil could never understand socialism.
Stop waiting for the lottery to lift you out of the working class, and realize where your class intrest lies, and sing about it, and well, thats folk music!
Steadfastly WOBBLIE!
Yours in the One Big Union (InOBU)