The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99389   Message #1979546
Posted By: iancarterb
26-Feb-07 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: African Folk Songs
Subject: RE: African Folk Songs
I hsve the remnants of the jackets and the nearly unplayable 10" lp vinyl of Josef Marais and Miranda from the 1950s that my parents held onto through several moves which ultimately made their way to me in the nineties. The titles may provoke some useful searches, Azizi.
from Songs From the Veld-Decca DL 5083
Marching to Pretoria, My Heart is So Sad, There's the Cape-Cart, Meisiesfontein, Siembamba, "Ai,Ai" the Pied Crow Cry, As the Sun Goes Down, Jan Periewiet, There Comes Alibama, Train to Kimberly. Josef Marais claimed at least copyright of all.
from Songs of the South African Veld, Decca DLP5014
Stellenbosch Boys; Tante Koba; Stay, Polly, Stay; Pack Your Things and Trek, Fereira; Oh, Brandy Leave Me Alone; If Maria Married Me; Here Am I; Sarie Marais; Henrietta's Wedding; Ma Says, Pa Says.