The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99453   Message #1981747
Posted By: George Papavgeris
28-Feb-07 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: Name an Acoustic music venue?
Subject: RE: Name an Acoustic music venue?

opinions will vary on this, but to me "Friends of acoustic music" as a subheading seems too long and also a little scary (as in "do I have to join?", "is it a members only club?" etc etc). Notto mention that "acoustic" itself can confuse - for example, do you mean that there will be no amplification? Or are you trying to imply a certain style of music? Different people will understand this differently.

As for the main name, ideally a single word - easier to remember, catchier, yet it must allude to what's to be expected there. How about:


Good luck with the venture!