The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99348   Message #1981818
Posted By: oggie
28-Feb-07 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: Have big folk festivals had their day?
Subject: RE: Have big folk festivals had their day?
Dave, I think the term is "niche" rather than "general" :) As I make most of the stuff we sell (not the tin whistles) I'm a bit different from your average market trader.

End of the day even for a festival seller the size of a crowd matters, the more people the greater your chance of selling. The tricky bit is weighing up the cost against the return. Small festival, less competition, fewer possible buyers but less outlay and less time away from the workshop BUT a big festival carries gtreater potential but greater risk. The balancing act can be nerve-wracking.

All the best

Steve Ogden