The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99449   Message #1981925
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
28-Feb-07 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: The BBC Board
Subject: RE: The BBC Board
Ah yes..Joan/Ruth...good to see you being personal again though, seems to suit your nature, this 'let's try and embarrass her and drag her personal life out all over messageboards....Luckily though as I said earlier, I don't choose to go down to your level.

Now then as to your comment above....How come you're not banned and I am?

Ah well, please rest assured that I've written to the BBC and told them I'm extremely happy to help their Investigations Department look into why you, who called me a "nasty little racist" on their board, (thus breaking their rules about personal abuse) are still permitted on there and yetI'm not.

Interesting that one isn't it.

All part and parcel though of the new 'Freedom of Speech' at the BBC I guess. Some people are free to be abusive, rude, cruel, unkind, deeply personal, highly unpleasant, put people's families at possible risk, or tell downright lies about people and the BBC welcomes you with open arms. Yup, they even welcome you if you actually own up to 'ganging up' on one particular poster, as someone happily said in the Dave Gilmour thread way back now.

Yet, if you dare to stand up to the kind of people who do those get banned....because apparently I'm supposed to just sit there and take whatever you and your pals decide to pour down upon me and not say a darn thing.

Strange ol' world at the BBC eh! ;0) One that I'm sure someone, one day, may be interested in sorting out for the better. Always the optimist me..

Personally I preferred it when the BBC stood for something honourable and was run by people who had some sort of integrity. Now we have 1984 Style Mods and people in control who don't give a flying donkey about honour, integrity, truth, decent behaviour or dealing with posters who use their boards for very little else other than to be unpleasant....

And of course, Smooths Ops own Customer Care Manager, John Leonard, has been holding two fingers up to anyone who dared to press their 'Complaints' button for years now! With a big smile on his face too, only recently having removed the offending and offensive photo, after someone complained on the BBC board about it...and yet...and yet...I complained about that same thing years back...and nowt happened. Well well...

I'd have complained to the Customer Care Manager of course, but er...

And these people are the ones who run the BBC Folk & Acoustic Board....Says it all really doesn't it.

You're kind of people perhaps Joan/Ruth....but they sure as hell ain't I'll leave you to them, quite happily.

Good to see the BBC Host has just posted again though. At least someone's over there! ;0)
