The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99453   Message #1982161
Posted By: GUEST,Guy Wolff
28-Feb-07 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: Name an Acoustic music venue?
Subject: RE: Name an Acoustic music venue?
These are great . I do think the town name should be in there somehow so when people are comming over 50 miles they can find it . I agree that "freinds of Acoustic music" sounds a bit cliquish but how do we say this is an acoustic night and that the effort needs support <>><><> no drums and amps.(Bass Guitar allowed through pa ) maybe the name and sub titled "supporting acoustic music in the community "
          I think Virginia would love to hear how club organizers pick acts as well . She has been getting demos from people so far . As they raise more money whats the high end of paying artists to getting the audience to come .
          It takes years to get a crowd to come a distence for something like Battlefeild band and pay what it costs to break even on that kind of gig.Say $25.00 per adience member).
            At the moment the auidence is paying $5.00 to get in and they are passing the hat for the musicians .The main plus is that Cd sales go to the artists in full .
          As a venue grows I know they will balence a bit stronger to the musicians . I have to say the first two nights were magic .