The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99416   Message #1982974
Posted By: katlaughing
01-Mar-07 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Subject: RE: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
LindyLou shook her hair out from under the helmet, wiped her brow with her bandana and looked down into the small valley. Well, she thought, looks like I found the spot. Off to the west she saw the first place she wanted to visit before meeting any of the Folkies of whom she heard so much about.

Gearing down, she headed down to the west end where there was a big pond with a haze hanging above it. She could smell the sulphur long before she reached the pool. Kicking the stand down for her bike, she turned off the engine, then threw a leg over in a slow dismount. The long ride had left her stiff and sore. She began by pulling her t-shirt off over her head, then ripped off the binding bra she hated to wear. Next came off the long blue jeans. Left in her practical, but brief, cotton undies, she waded into the hot mineral spring. Sitting down along the edge, she let out a long, slow breath, then immersed herself in the steaming hot water. With the fresh crisp breeze above her, she took in long gulps of refreshing air, then stretched out, head back, soaking up the healing relaxation of the minerals in the natural spring. Ah, she thought. I have missed this so much. I should actually be human enough to meet a few folks after an hour or so in here. Wow...this is great!