The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99480   Message #1983437
Posted By: Teribus
01-Mar-07 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: British Army at it again
Subject: RE: BS: British Army at it again
How many Irish "European" troops are present Ard? Bet they don't get speeding fines and parking tickets, not to mention all those non-existent convictions for murder and rape - Valiant lads, every one of them, to a man - Eh?

Grab, what they may well call it is imaterial. I believe that what Keith is refering to is the standard put on Germany under the terms of the Treaty Of Versielles. Germany was allowed a "Defence Force" whose number could not exceed 100,000 men, however to be strict in its application they were not allowed:
- Armour
- Heavy Artillery
- An Air Force
- Submarines, or any naval unit larger that a Cruiser of a stipulated tonnage (This latter restriction created the design known as the "Pocket Battleship")