The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97740   Message #1983500
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
01-Mar-07 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: One identity per thread?
Subject: RE: BS: One identity per thread?
Unfortuneately, unlike the anonymous, I know I'm not 'the best' - whatever that hell that subjective judgement may mean.... - the first 40 years of my life was nothing but those that objective testing revealed WERE inferior to me bullying me just how worthless I was.... :-)

Mudcat is what it is... it stands or fall on what it is - and that includes all the nasty mouthing and negativeness as well as any 'good stuff' (whatever that hell that subjective judgement may mean) ... an on that basis Mudcat stands or falls.

When/if I decide I have had enough, I go away for a while. When I want more I come back.

'Mudcat newbies', unfortunately for those control freaks like you insisting that it is nothing but crap run by crappy people, will make up their own minds about the value of what they find here at Mudcat.

You only reveal your own negative character traits by dumping shit on that which you cannot control...