The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99438   Message #1983649
Posted By: GUEST,Roger from Dartford
02-Mar-07 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: TDL (Tone Deaf Leopard) on Radio Kent
Subject: RE: TDL (Tone Deaf Leopard) on Radio Kent
I guess it's time I stepped forward, so it's Roger and In!
Pat Marsh was indeed asking for people to phone in about the WORST singers they had ever had to put up with and because TDL fitted this description perfectly I couldn't resist responding.
As for Sue's comment that they had been well received at Dartford, there was a large audience in the club for Jez Lowe and, like all folk audiences most were too well-mannered to do other than applaud. And, I fully admit that TDL has novelty value the FIRST time you see and hear them. However, it was very noticeable that among regulars who had heard them before a good number disappeared to the bar or kept their hands firmly in their laps. I've yet to speak to a Dartford regular who wants to see TDL there again.
So come on TDL, stop making audiences at other folk clubs suffer. We find your performance embarrassing to watch and unpleasant to listen to. If we really want to catch your act we'll come over to Orpington.