The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3684   Message #19838
Posted By: Bob Landry
24-Jan-98 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: what if...?
Subject: RE: what if...?
Alice, you mean there's hope for me yet? ... an echo mike! ..... hmmm ..... maybe if I had an echo mike .....

(Segue to dream sequence)

We could rock some folk tunes, country-fy some R&B tunes. Hell, maybe we can even learn to do celtic blues. How about cowboy celtic? Sea shanties by a landlubber? Write folk tunes that nobody's heard before? Folk with distortion? What should be loudest, fuzzy electric guitars or a drunken electric drummer?

I could learn to control everything just like Loreena ... the music, the nuances, the image, the marketing, the movie rights, the book rights .... We could promise to so an autograph session in a Toronto music store and stand them up just like the Spice Girls. And still "watch the money roll in, roll in ...."

(Segue back to reality)

We'll continue jamming in the basement and enjoy our music with our friends. If we stretch far enough, maybe we can find a tavern owner crazy enough to put us on stage and pay us with beer. That's do-able and that's enough.

Bob - 500 miles north of Montana