The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19165   Message #198380
Posted By: GUEST,The Yank
20-Mar-00 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: Help: Gun debate thread
Subject: RE: Help: Gun debate thread
There is no specific U.S. Constitutional right to own guns & those that maintain as much simply refuse to face fact. This issue tends to produce strange behavior: normally intelligent and otherwise rational individuals positively foam at the mouth!

The Constitution's wording is specifically "arms" which in the parlance of the day- as well as in modern usage- means weapons of all sorts, including but by no means limited to "fire-arms" or guns [e.g. _Cyclopaedia or, an Universal Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences..._ by Ephraim Chambers, Gent. London, 1752: "ARMS. All Kinds of Weapons, whether for Defence or Offence"].
BR> There are all manner of non-firearm weapons- "switchblade" knives, swords, sword canes, pocket knives with blades over a certain length, 'billy' clubs, saps, etc., etc., etc. - the use, possession, & carrying of which are regulated, restricted, and in many cases prohibited by State and Federal law. Many municipalities also have severe restrictions on possession and/or of firearms of any sort. These regulations and prohibitions have passed the test of constitutionality- or they would have long ago been overturned by the Supreme Court.

With these precedents, and the clear wording of the Constitution, should this nonexistant 'right' to own guns ever face a court challenge it would be quickly laid to rest- which is what terrifies the NRA & their disciples- the Emperor has no clothes whatever! and the public is beginning to catch on. This may help to explain the recent spate of NRA sleaze, lies & underhand tactics.