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Thread #99480   Message #1984148
Posted By: Teribus
02-Mar-07 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: British Army at it again
Subject: RE: BS: British Army at it again

There is a general misconception with regard to the role of UN "Peacekeepers", that they are sent into situations to "solve" things. They are not, and the restrictions on the make up of "peacekeeping" forces and their numbers and their tasking clearly prevent any such action.

Before UN peacekeepers are deployed the following conditions must be met:
- The parties involved in the conflict must be willing to negotiate a settlement;
- There must be a clear demarcation line dividing the combatants;
- All fighting must have stopped, there must be a "local" ceasefire in place;
- If fighting should break out between the combatants, the UN peacekeepers are automatically and immediately withdrawn.

Restrictions related to Peacekeeping Forces:
- Their numbers have to be comensurate with the task at hand, i.e. they cannot "swamp" the area;
- They must be impartial in the execution of their duties;
- Their primary duty is to present a dividing line between the combatants and monitor the ceasefire;
- Their "Rules of Engagement" only cover responding to fire directly at them by one side or the other.
- They are not allowed heavy weapons such as artillery or armour (Tanks, etc), armoured personnel carriers are allowed and soft skinned transport;
- They are not allowed tactical air support of any kind, although transport helicopters and transport aircraft are permitted.