The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99402   Message #1984648
Posted By: GUEST,Scoville at Dad's
03-Mar-07 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pamela Greenbaum Sues Blogger Orthomom
Subject: RE: BS: Pamela Greenbaum Sues Blogger Orthomom
I find it almost inconceivable that an accusation of anti-semitism is not defamatory, particularly of a person holding some public office. An accusation of bigotry would be close. Once upon a time I used to advise a number of UK TV companies on avoiding libel litigation, and I would have had no hesitation whatsoever in telling them not to broadcast an accusation of antisemitism unless they had several smoking guns to back it up.

That's what I was thinking. Whether Orthomom--if she even wrote it--meant it or was blowing off steam, it was at best a very careless and ill-considered choice of epithets in light of the kind of dust accusations of anti-Semitism have been kicking up in the news recently.

According to this blog post, Orthomom did not call Ms. Greenbaum any of the above. So, which is it? She either did or didn't. If not, there's no case. If she did, I guess they'll have to take it from there, although it sounds like a lot of crap to me.