The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58499   Message #1984791
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
03-Mar-07 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: Who best represents English music?
Subject: RE: Who best represents English music?
PS: Thanks Breezy, I don't think England is ready to hand over stewardship of its music to the cradle of civilisation yet, though ;->
As you say George we Brits are too proud to let the Africans take it over just yet.
I suppose you would have to define Britishness wouldnt you ?
And that is different to every man and his dog on the planet.
I would Say that with "Freinds like these" and songs as good as that We identify a little of what we would hope Britishness is in the things we admire and take it for ourselves.
LIke the Empire for Example.
George I will give the cradle of European Civilisation.