The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19398   Message #198496
Posted By: BlueJay
21-Mar-00 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: Folk Music and Politics
Subject: RE: Folk Music and Politics
When i play with folks, I really dont give a damn what their political affiliation is. One of my best friends is really conservative, and he knows that I am fairly liberal. IT IS THE MUSIC WHICH IS IMPORTANT. True, it is a specialized relationship, but I really miss him, as he has gone to Catholic Seminary. Also, I'm not Catholic. But on the few occasions we can get together, we have much fun trading on guitar, mandolin and bass. We play all sorts of stuff. Hell, I'd play "Pat Buchanan is the Greatest Man Alive", if it had a catchy tune. And my friend, Don Malin, wouldn't shy away from "Vietnam Potluck Blues", and I know he'd find "Tape From California" musically intriguing. I guess this has as much to do with friendship as anything. But it's mostly making music. We've written some ridiculous songs, totally apolitical. I think that a large percentage of folk music is apolitical, dealing with everything from love to chickens to machinery, (The Gudgeon of Maurice's Car)". Play on, and SMILE!