The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19434   Message #198595
Posted By: Jeri
21-Mar-00 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: 2 verses of 'Hard Times'
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: 2 verses of 'Hard Times'
Also, for what it's worth, two other tunes attributed to Carolan which he may not have written are Planxty George Brabazon (Twa Bonnie Maidens) and Sheebeg Sheemore (The Bonnie Cuckoo). I don't know if anyone will ever know for sure. In regards to being sacreligious and music - whoops, there goes the folk process.

Sandy, I once decided to act out the drooping maiden verse. (Swooning with back of hand to forehead, sliding down a wall.) Boy, did I get some dirty looks...