The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99416   Message #1986175
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Mar-07 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Subject: RE: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Now that LindyLou's skin had shriveled tight until she looked like a tall, tanned prune, she slowly rose up out of the steamy water and shook out her long, now purple hair. She made sure to retract her small antenna up on top of her head, and also covered her third eye with her bangs/fringes. It was usually closed, anyway. She didn't need to open it to *read* anything.

All in all, her time on this planet had been interesting and fulfilling, though she could have done without the experience of "falling in love" and losing that love. She supposed it was an important part of her assimilation and would write up well in her dissertation when she finally went for her Mistress of the Universe degree from the Institute of Flying Kestrels and Whatnot of the Divine. In the meantime, she was enjoying finding out just what a Mudcat was and how to produce the kind of music they seemed to favour. This would be her first time ever meeting them in her Earthskin without the safety barrier of a communication device.

Eschewing her dusty clothing, she straddled the bike, once more, fired it up with a swift kick, felt the sensuous rumble between her legs and down shifted. Climbing back up the hill, she headed over to the long, low building where they all seemed to be gathering. Her x-ray vision showed her she would fit right in, style-wise; it seemed it was de rigeur to go skyclad today.