The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99602   Message #1986492
Posted By: Peace
04-Mar-07 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: What the hell got into Canada?
Subject: RE: BS: What the hell got into Canada?
Hey, 282RA: hope you are feeling better than you were a few days back.

Hell, you gotta hear about one of our Prime Ministers, William Lyon Mackenzie King. He got advice from both his wife AND his dogs, all of whom were named Pat. The thing is, they were dead, and he communicated with them in seances. He also spoke with da Vinci and an earlier Prime Minister of Canada, Laurier (I think). There is very little we find strange in our politics. Our first Prime Minister, Sir John A Macdonald, drank an incredible amout of alcohol. He went on a three day bender while he was PM, and when he finally got to the House of Commons, he was being castigated by the opposition for being absent to much, and there were veiled hints that usually it was because he was somewhat the worst for wear. Macdonald rose to address the remarks, but three days of boozing and the heat in the House got his stomach really upset, and he barfed on the floor. When he'd done and used his handkerchief to wipe his mouth he said, "That is all I have to say to my worth opponent across the aisle." Paul Hellyer (who as LH noted) has been talking about his belief that UFOs exist and that various governments are covering it up for years. This isn't even news in Canada.