The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99359   Message #1986687
Posted By: lennice
05-Mar-07 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst comedian ever?
Subject: RE: BS: Worst comedian ever?
so, john from sunset coast, the implication is clearly that you think JFK was funny after he died... (sorry, couldn't resist)

I think that just about everybody mentioned ties - including some that folks say they like, like Red Skelton -
Bobcat Goldthwait, Seinfeld, benny hill, bean, jerry lewis, joan rivers, pauly shore, milton berle, don rickles, the list goes on and on - more truly lousy ones than not - but the really good ones are so funny they make up for all the rest - the red green show, george and gracie, richard pryor, bob newhart's telephone conversations...

And although it is verfiable scientific fact that the English have no sense of humor, somehow they managed to produce the funniest man who ever walked the face of the earth - John Cleese.

I didn't know Andrew Dice Clay was supposed to be a comedian.