The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19499   Message #198687
Posted By: SingsIrish Songs
21-Mar-00 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
Subject: RE: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
I was still composing when the Part II was started, so I will add my post here as well.... ---------------

DW--my deepest condolences I offer to you and your family...


The Healing threads that have been seen at Mudcat really changed my already good views of Mudcat and made them even stronger...I think it started when Spaw took ill--I was still "new" here and the emotions and pulling together that came through in those threads really touched me. And in other threads, not just Healing threads, there are some thoughts shared that have caused me to get a bit "misty eyed"...

The thread name tags are surely helpful, and maybe more will be added for not all "non-music" stuff is accurately labeled BS...

When people here share their inner most thoughts on sensitive and serious issues (and not so serious, too) what they are made of shines through...and that is true even if you "hold back" some strong views. Christian, non-Christian, etc, have all pulled together in times of great need. That is important...With so much violence and war due to differing views, it is nice when people from all over the world can get together and focus more on the commonalities and show our individuality in our views without it being a problem...(at least that's my feeling here at Mudcat.)

I enjoy the community here! I also know I can call you fellow 'catters friends!
