The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19499   Message #198692
Posted By: dwditty
21-Mar-00 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
Subject: RE: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
Thank you, Praise. You are absolutely right. So often, people look to their shoes when facing a grieving friend, when, at that time, more than ever, the griefstricken need direct confirmation that their loved one was worthy of recognition. I have asked so many to be sure to share their "Jeremy moments" with Jeremy's parents and sister - not just now but in the weeks and months and years to come. It is now that Jeremy has gone (although I prefer to say that he has gone fishin'), that we who loved him need his spirit refreshed by others who knew him.

My daughter and I were talking last night, and she said she thinks almost everyday about her friend who died a couple of years ago. I told her that she should call or write his mother and tell her just that - that Ryan's spirit is still very much alive in her. She said that she had wanted to but was afraid to stir up memories. I told her to stir away. Memories are all his mother has, and she needs to know that others are still loving her son. It does seem easier to do this through the anonimity of the web, but I realize, just now, that I need to carry this practice to my "face-to-face" world. It will be a better place for it.

Thank you again for your kind words.