The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99602   Message #1987003
Posted By: GUEST,Seiri Omaar
05-Mar-07 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: What the hell got into Canada?
Subject: RE: BS: What the hell got into Canada?
Elaboration on W.L.M. King:
Privately, he was highly eccentric with his preference for communing with spirits, including those of Leonardo da Vinci, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, his dead mother, and several of his dogs, all named Pat. He sought personal reassurance from the spirit world, rather than seeking political advice. Indeed, after his death, one of his mediums said that she had not realized that he was a politician. King asked whether his party would win the 1935 election, one of the few times politics came up during his seances. His occult interests were not widely known during his years in office, and only became publicized later. In 1953 Time Magazine stated, "that he owned—and used—both a Ouija board and a crystal ball. In the 1970s biographers used the extensive diaries he kept during most of his life to delve deeper into his occult activities. One person he held seances with was Canadian Artist Homer Watson.

Quite a character...
Source: Clicky clicky