The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99617   Message #1987068
Posted By: wysiwyg
05-Mar-07 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: Guitar: Working vs Performance
Subject: RE: Guitar: Working vs Performance
Think of it this way-- what if you had started this thread titled "Best Guitar-Busting BooBoos" and then you could see all the dumb things other players have done. And how well the guitars held up, or what new axe came along as the Next One. OK, you've been conditioned to see yourself as a klutz. Instead of fighting that conditioning, you can attack the effect of the conditioning instead-- BRAG about it instead of fearing it. Besides, playing it without busting it is bound to work some magic on you, you know.....

If you only play it when you're being paid to risk it, aren't you making it into a hooker instead of a pal? :~)

I'm sure the rest of us klutzes would be happy to swap some old beater for the Martin, and take it off your hands..... then you wouldn't need to worry about it anymore! :~)

Another possible viewpoint modifcation-- "I AM a klutz, but I'm a GUITAR-PLAYING klutz!"
