The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99614   Message #1987141
Posted By: Bobert
05-Mar-07 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Declining Standards of English
Subject: RE: BS: Declining Standards of English
Well, gol danged...

What the heck is this all 'bout, anyway??? Next thing ya' know you'all gonna want to put up cameras in everybody's bedrooms... I mean, let's get real here fir jus' one minute: language is an ever evlovin' thing an' I know there's plenty o' folks who don't believe in no evolution 'cause they is into this "design" thing where God taught up Adam and Eve the Queen's English they way that God wanted it spoken and never to be changed... But guess what???

No don't, I'll tell ya'all what instead...

There ain't nuthin' in the Bible 'bout the Queen 'er her English... I done read it!!!

Now ifin' you'all gonna go get yer panties in a wad over this then fine... Wad away but... all come 'round my joint tryin' to install no cameras in my bedroom 'er try to relearnt me up an' ya' better pack several days worth of lunches and bring alot of folks wid you and a lotta duct tape, too...
