The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19499   Message #198779
Posted By: Clifton53
21-Mar-00 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
Subject: RE: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
Allen C., I'm so glad to hear she got away! My prayers and good wishes for her, and you. I am always amazed at how fast our lives can change.

Ditty, my condolences on your loss. I lost a few friends years ago in Round Valley, N.J., same type of thing. I know he will be well-remembered and cherished. A young man like that is tough to lose, there being so few of them.

I think every day of the safety of my children, and I wince when I read these kinds of stories. I can't fathom what either of you are going through now.

You can take great comfort in the folks here at the Mudcat, but then, you already know that.

Best wishes to all