The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99416   Message #1987814
Posted By: Georgiansilver
06-Mar-07 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Subject: RE: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
To carry on:-
.........engage her in deeper conversation, he spotted that third eye and broke into a cold sweat. 'This is no ordinary woman' he thought to himself, 'this is some freak of nature', as he took one more look at her beautifully rounded breasts and once more looked up and down her body. He so delighted in her body shape that the third eye soon lost its apparent importance. He was now so hooked by his fleshly longings that his rose coloured spectacles cancelled out any imperfection (or as some women would have it....the brain in his trousers took over from the one in his head).
"I have not seen you here before" said Roderick, a statement made in such a way that it demanded an answer from her as though it were a question. "I have not been here long" she replied. "Where do you live dear, do you live in this area or just come here to work"?
"I don't actually live here, I come from afar" she said.
Immediately his enthusiasm waned as he imagined her being there for only one day before returning to some city many miles away and tentatively out of reach. Little did he know that when she said 'afar' she was meaning her own planet.
He desired her body with such fire that he knew he had to bravely ask her the question.
"Are you one of those 'Catters'"? she asked. He gave a negative reply and asked what a 'Catter' is. "A Catter is a Folkie who frequents the Mudcat cafe" she informed him. "Usually a musically minded person who can be full of BS at times, someone who uses a false name generally and may write educatively at times too".
"Mudcat Cafe, I suppose that cafe is in the place you come from" he said, again a statement which demanded an answer.
"No she said it is sure not where I come from but it might as well be"