The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97874   Message #1988139
Posted By: Teribus
06-Mar-07 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Subject: RE: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
IIRC when this "Study" first came out the number was 500,000 and that the bulk had been caused by US Air Strikes. They hadn't of course because the figures arrived at were wrong.

To give an idea of what extremely basic air power can do, take a look at about one weeks effort during the Second World War. Some say the worst bombing raid of the WW II was Hiroshima, or Nagasaki, or Dresden - It wasn't - the worst was Hamburg late July to early August 1943.

It's effect - this is what Adolph Galland wrote about it:

"A wave of terror radiated from the suffering city and spread through Germany. Appalling details of the great fire was recounted. A stream of haggard, terrified refugees flowed into the neighbouring provinces. In every large town people said: "What happened to Hamburg yesterday can happen to us tomorrow". After Hamburg in the wide circle of the political and the military command could be heard the words: "The war is lost".

The raids carried out by RAF Bomber Command consisted of "1000" Bomber missions over a series of nights. In total they dropped:
- 3,000 block-busters (4000lb & 8000lb bombs);
- 1,200 land-mines;
- 25,000 H.E. varying sizes;
- 3,000,000 incendiaries;
- 80,000 phosphorus bombs;
- 500 phosphorus drums.

Out of a population of approximately 2,000,000 people in Hamburg (Germany's second largest city) The above resulted in the following casualties:
- 40,000 killed;
- 40,000 wounded;
- 900,000 homeless.

The so called "Shock and Awe" campaign of the Iraq War ran from 19 March 2003 until 14th April 2003. A total of approximately 1700 air sorties were launched, 504 of those using cruise missiles.

That amounts to a fraction of what was thrown at Hamburg yet we are asked to believe that this fraction caused sixteen and a half times the number of casualties - please note there was no firestorm in Iraq as there was in Hamburg (i.e. oxygen sucked out of the air so that those presumed safe in bomb shelters died of asphyxiation).

The John Hopkins "Study" that Bobert & Co defend so persistently is an unreliable and shoddy piece of work at best.