The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97787   Message #1988183
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
06-Mar-07 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (3)
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (3)
My point is that I was not "speculating" but responding to Shambles. Yes, if you want to use semantics, then yes - the definition of the word made it was a "speculation" - but what I was referring to was how Shambles was using the word. I am not sitting here thinking about why a thread was closed - life is too short for that.

Yes, it is a "like it or lump it" approach to the way Mudcat is run because that is reality. This is not OUR site, no matter how much it has been sugarcoated. The reality is that human beings own and run this site, and it is not a public forum in the true sense of the word. Freedom of speech is not at issue here.

It bothers me to see people wasting their time fighting a dead issue when all around them our freedom of speech IS being attacked. Take a look at the FCC and what they have done to television and radio. Look at newspaper ownership and see how much it has been compromised. Those are the battlegrounds, not some tiny website where the control is beyond our reach.

I do not have "disdain" for Shambles thoughts as an independent thinker. Yet, you seem to have disdain for my thoughts.