The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99605   Message #1988539
Posted By: Greg B
06-Mar-07 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: A walk in the Black Forest
Subject: RE: A walk in the Black Forest
A while ago I saw some old family home movies which had the
traveling music playing on, of all things, one of those super compact
record players (this was before cassettes) wedged between the
front seats of the Comanche. No doubt it was TJB.

The invention of the cassette was a real god-send :-)

Didn't skip on every bit of turbulence.

I'm not sure how the whole affair was secured--- I think it
was probably on top of the pilot/owner's Jeppesen case. There's
not a lot of spare room in a Comanche for a 12-inch record, even
if the player is smaller than that.