The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99641   Message #1988831
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
06-Mar-07 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hooray! VCU to NCAA!!!...
Subject: RE: BS: Hooray! VCU to NCCA!!!...
Bobert, I am happy for you and VCU, but not for the NCAAs. 40 or so of the sixty-five teams, including VCU, don't belong in the tournament. They play schedules so weak as to be ludicrous. They are only there to provide more games, hence more revenue, but their inclusion mocks the championship series.
You know, the NFL used to play a pre-season game pitting the previous year's champion against the College All-Stars (rookies coming into the league.) Every once in a while the All-Stars won, but it was so infrequently that the league got integrity and ended the series.
Thus should BB limit the NCAA tournament.